What is a Stroke?
A stroke can happen if something keeps the blood from flowing as it should. A person might have a clogged blood vessel, so the blood can't get through. Or a blood vessel may burst and a part of the brain is suddenly flooded with blood. Either way, with a stroke, brain cells die because they don't get the oxygen they need. Keep reading...
Risk Factors
Anyone can have a stroke. But some things are known to raise the risk. Some risk factors, such as smoking, are under your control. Others aren't. Risk factors you can't control include: age, race, medical history, and gender. Keep reading...
Lower Your Risk
Whether you're at high or average risk, there are things you can do to reduce your risk of stroke. Control your blood pressure. High blood pressure is the number one cause of stroke. Keeping your blood pressure lower than 120/80 can cut your risk. Don't smoke. Smoking doubles the risk of stroke. When you quit, your risk will start to decrease. Keep reading...
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What is a Stroke?

Talk to your family about stroke awareness.
   If someone has a stroke it means something has stopped the normal blood flow to the brain.
     Blood is circulating through your body all the time in tubes called arteries and veins. The blood carries oxygen to all the cells in your body. And without oxygen, the cells would die.
     A stroke can happen if something keeps the blood from flowing as it should. A person might have a clogged blood vessel, so the blood can't get through. Or a blood vessel may burst and a part of the brain is suddenly flooded with blood. Either way, with a stroke, brain cells die because they don't get the oxygen they need.
     There are two main types of strokes:
     Ischemic strokes happen when a blood vessel going to the brain becomes blocked, and the blood can't get where it's supposed to be. This type of stroke is the most common. A blood clot — a clump of blood that sticks together — is usually to blame for ischemic strokes. They can also happen when arteries become narrow and clogged with plaque. Plaque is a mix of cholesterol and other fatty stuff that sticks to the walls of blood vessels.
    Hemorrhagic strokes happen when a weak or thin blood vessel bursts and the blood spills out, killing brain cells and affecting how the brain works. High blood pressure can weaken the walls of vessels and make a hemorrhagic stroke much more likely.
     Strokes are serious, and the effects can be fatal. But many people recover from strokes, especially if they know the warning signs and can get help quickly.